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Maybe Give It One More Run Through: 'The Rewrite' Trailer

By Emily Cutler | Videos | January 28, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | January 28, 2015 |

Cameron Crowe gave us Say Anything. And for that, I’ll always be grateful. But let’s talk about the damage he’s inflicted on the world:

  1. Made “Tiny Dancer” a thing again.
  2. Manic Pixie Dream Girl (and with it, inadvertently made Kate Hudson a thing.)
  3. The new Jerry Maguire subset of romantic comedies.

You know, the movies where all of your personal and professional shortcomings are almost miraculously solved by falling in love. Because we all know the stereotypes about people newly in love: they eat properly, they sleep enough, they’re more focused than usual, and they go out of their way to avoid neglecting previous friendships and relationships. Basically all of the impetus you’d need to begin completely ripping open old wounds in order to rebuild a severely deteriorated relationship/ career.

Crowe isn’t the worst perpetrator of the JM movie (ahem Marc Lawrence), but he gave us the first successful one. So I blame him for this.

Paradise Misplaced? No, no, no.

And if Hugh Grant insists on continuing to be so charmingly befuddled, then fine. But you leave Janmons out of it.