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Jimmy Kimmel Gets SXSW Attendees to Lie About Fictional Bands, and I Want Daenerys Targaryen and the Dragon Ponies to Be Real

By Sarah Carlson | Videos | March 14, 2014 |

By Sarah Carlson | Videos | March 14, 2014 |

The music portion of the SXSW festival in Austin is the perfect venue for Jimmy Kimmel to unleash his Lie Witness News bit. Tons of great music and great people are there, but so are more than a few fans ready to jump at the chance to appear to be “in the know.” Just grab your camera, head down to Sixth Street — which has best been described as Satan throwing a party with corporate sponsorship — and go to town. The Pajiba contingent left the fest Wednesday, but on Tuesday as a few of us stood in line for a film, we were approached by several music attendees wondering “who” we were in line for — was it some cool band they should know about? I now regret not screwing with them and answering with some of the amazing fictional bands/DJs Kimmel and his crew came up with:

Seriously, I want them all to be real:

  • Contact Dermatitis
  • Neil Patrick Harassment
  • What the F**k, Bruce Jenner
  • Female DJ Heavy Flow, with the album “The Toxic Shock Experience”
  • DJ Costco
  • Straight Outta Park Slope: Hannah and the Baby Bjorns
  • Country-rap artist Willie Nelson Mandela
  • Tonya and the Hardings (album: “Sorry About That, Nancy”)
  • DJ Cornmeal
  • I’m Not Done With the Salad, known for the songs “I’m not Tipping” and “Did It Look Like I was Finished?”
  • Daenerys Targaryen and the Dragon Ponies
  • King Joffrey, whose album is “Watch the Iron Throne”
  • Vegan Bikini
  • DJ Metamucil

Sarah Carlson is a TV Critic for Pajiba. She lives in San Antonio. You can find her on Twitter.