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It's Here! The Sequel To Possibly the Most Joyous Video On the Internet!

By Petr Navovy | Videos | September 21, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | September 21, 2022 |


Holy sh*t, oh what a day! What a lovely day! They’re back with a sequel!

Ahem, OK wait, give me a minute to backtrack.

After helping keep me sane during lockdown, I finally managed to write about one of my absolutely favourite YouTube channels, the heavy metal themed ‘Two Minutes to Late Night,’ focusing in on one of their fantastic cover videos—the flawless ‘NOW That’s What I Call a Metal EDM Mix Vol. 1’ For a refresher—or just in case you need a mood pick up—here is that precious gift again:

Well those wonderful bastar*s have done it again!

I came home yesterday after a particularly rough day at work, not particularly looking forward to much other than trying not to think about work, not anticipating any great moments of joy or fun. And then Two Minutes to Late Night decided to burst through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man, determined to make sure that my Tuesday-that-was-a-Monday (cheers, Liz) could not succeed in its quest for total misery.

That’s right, it’s ‘NOW That’s What I Call a Metal EDM Mix Vol. 2’! It’s not quite as flawless and pound-for-pound brilliant as the first, but there’s no shame in being second to the best. Enjoy, especially if you need this as much as I did: