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I'm Predicting the Best Episode of the Season: Bill Hader's SNL Promo

By Emily Cutler | Videos | October 9, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | October 9, 2014 |

I’m with Bill Murray: Bill Hader is the best. And not only is he really funny most of the time, but he has the uncanny ability to force something to be funny through sheer perseverance. Like when he starts scatting at the 1:115 mark. He just. Doesn’t. Give. Up.

For those of you not counting at home, that was 4 full seconds of “skeet.”

And since everybody’s favorite Bill Hader sketch is Stefon, you might want to watch this The Best BS interview. Bills Hader and Simmons talk about how the sketches were written, and why Hader broke so often as Stefon.

John Mulaney, I will always defend you based on this information alone. No matter how terrible your sitcom gets. (But also, please stop doing that sitcom.)