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How Different Dog Breeds React to Robbers

By Petr Navovy | Videos | November 25, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Videos | November 25, 2022 |


Hello, American friends! I imagine many of you are luxuriating/suffering in the aftershocks of that glorious gluttonous frenzy that you undertake every November, so I won’t darken your timeline with anything too heavy. In fact, it’ll be quite the opposite: Dog content! As light and joyous as things can get! I imagine that’s the thing that’s most called for, after the internecine family strife and various other mishaps I’m told by American media always happen during Thanksgiving. So here you go, here’s YouTuber Jonny Devaney enacting for us—pretty accurately, I’d say—what a number of different dog breeds are like during a robbery break in: