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TDS with Noah.jpg

Has 'The Daily Show' Finished Their Growing Pains?

By Emily Cutler | Videos | December 9, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | December 9, 2015 |

I still might not love Trevor Noah’s delivery, but I have to admit, The Daily Show has gotten really good recently. Last week they made a mistake but quickly fixed it. Their best correspondents can’t stop, won’t stop killing it. They received a visit from the big guy himself (which I would argue confirms that the show has officially transitioned to being Noah’s). And then last night, they put out the best 30 minutes of TV on just how horrible and horribly wrong Donald Trump is on everything.

I’d highly recommend watching the whole episode. The first segment dealing with why Trump is the front runner is a critical and crucial look at why Trump is as bad as he seems, and the last segment is the kind of sophomoric insult humor that’s needed when dealing with this kind of bullshit. But the middle section “White Isis” is maybe the best segment this iteration of The Daily Show has produced. And should put to bed any questions about whether Noah can lead a show as good as Stewart’s.

While I firmly agree that Trump’s racist hate speech should be shouted down at every turn, if this is the last authoritative word on Trump and his nonsense, I’d be totally cool with that.