By Emily Cutler | Videos | January 6, 2015 |
By Emily Cutler | Videos | January 6, 2015 |
Below is a clip from this season’s Celebrity Apprentice. Yes, that’ss still on the air.
Couple of things: 1.) In the following clip, Trump questions Keisha Knight Pulliam on her decision to not contact Bill Cosby for a fundraiser for the show then ultimately fires her. Like everything else on Celebrity Apprentice the manufactured drama is almost unbearably uncomfortable, and shows that Donald Trump is a raging asshole. However,
2.) In minor defense of Trump, these scenes were filmed a full year ago before the Cosby sexual assault story came to light (again.)
Maybe it’s that being on a reality show like this requires a level of egomania that you just don’t encounter in the real world, BUT SON OF A BITCH PEOPLE, SHE CLEARLY HAS A REASON NOT TO CALL HIM! Even without knowledge of the sexual assaults, when someone says, “I haven’t spoken with him for five years”, don’t you just drop it?
I would attempt to shame “Celebrity I Couldn’t Identify” for her deft handling of Pulliam, but it turns out she’s Kenya Moore from Real Housewives of Atlanta and therefore feels no shame. So instead I’ll attempt to shame NBC itself. Really, NBC, you air that without even a disclaimer that it was filmed a year ago? Do you think that your audience won’t know about the sexual assaults? Or they won’t care? Or are you pretty sure that if someone intentionally tunes into Celebrity Apprentice they’re comfortable staring into the unmitigated horror that is the slop bucket of humanity so you’re cool?
Wait, what’s that you say? I’m being too hard on them? It’s just a game show?
I offer Exhibit B, the featured video title “She Got Her Damn Period.”
It’s been real, society, I’ll catch you again never.
Source: Vulture