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Caution, You Might Actually Learn Something From a Fox & Friends Marriage Advice Segment

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 8, 2014 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | July 8, 2014 |

Yesterday Susan Patton aka The Princeton Mom stopped by Fox and Friends to give the ladies some old fashion wifing advice. Some of her better gems include:

- Stop being such a bitch all the time.

- Don’t you ever think about how hard I have to work all day?

- Seriously, is it your time of the month or something?

- All I want when I get home is a drink and a little peace and quiet. Is that so much to ask for?

- You know you’re turning into your mother, right?

- I should have married Debbie Preston!

But sage advice that that may be, Patton wasn’t just throwing around her own opinion. The segment includes plenty evidence- based, irrefutable fact. See if you can catch it.

That’s right, guys. Nothing rhymes with husband.