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Archer PI.jpg

Better Feel Good Video: 'Archer's 'Magnum P.I.' Homage Or Trump's Schadenfreude

By Emily Cutler | Videos | February 2, 2016 |

By Emily Cutler | Videos | February 2, 2016 |

It’s a simple question, guys. Which one of these makes today more bearable?

Is it the news that not only is Archer coming back soon for its seventh season, but they appear to be doing a full on Magnum P.I. remake?

Point for Pam both as “Snorkeling Woman in Bikini” and “Rodeo Clown.” I like how they’re expanding her character.

And if this were almost any other morning, that video/ news would be the clear winner. But as Petr told us earlier, Trump lost the Iowa caucus. And absolutely every time Trump losses at something is a reason to celebrate. Especially when you can rub in his face just how wrong he’s been.

We are laughing.gif

Oh, fuck you, Donald Trump. Fuck you forever.

Of course, the terrible reminder at the end of the second video is that even if Trump didn’t win, Cruz still did. So clearly, Archer is the winner. Because everyone on that show might be a self- absorbed, amoral douche bag, but goddamnit, at least they’re likable.