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Twitter Smackdown: Sexist Dumbass Gets Schooled By Feminist Bro

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | August 2, 2017 |

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | August 2, 2017 |

Every woman who has ever had to deal with vanity sizing or celebrated because a dress has pockets (POCKETS!) knows that the clothing industry is sexist AF. But it’s not something all people (read: men) realize, or maybe even consider.

So, intersectional feminist Bree Mae decided to share her experience on the differences between men and women’s clothing in a thoughtful and funny thread, which we’ll share in part below.

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But despite many, many examples that explicitly detail the difference between men’s clothing and women’s clothing, Mae got manspained by random a dude who’s presumably never had to deal with the blatant bullshittery of women’s clothes.

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Some valiant souls pointed out to Ryan some flaws in his argument. He handled it as well as you might have expected from a guy with “bro” in his handle.

The real problem though is that they weren’t speaking Ryan’s language. Enter artist Jared Pechacek, who is fluent in Bro. Highlights below:

The world waits on Ryan’s response. Not really.
