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Twitter Explodes With Suggestions For #TrumpSecretServiceCodeName

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | June 10, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | June 10, 2016 |

President Barack Obama is “Renegade.” Michelle Obama is “”Renaissance.” Their daughters Malia and Sasha are “Radiance” and “Rosebud.” When you have Secret Service detail you get a code name. Some are cool (Ronald Reagan’s was “Rawhide”), some are not (Ted Kennedy was called “Sunburn” during his 1980 presidential bid).

Now that Trump has Secret Service detail as he makes a mockery of American politics, what should his code name be? Ever willing to lend a helping hand, Twitter has plenty of suggestions.

Share your #TrumpSecretServiceCodeName in comments.

Kristy Puchko’s pick for Trump’s code name can be found in the header.