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Trump Declares "Ask The Gays," Twitter Responds With Charisma, Uniqueness, Nerve And Talent

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | June 16, 2016 |

By Kristy Puchko | Twitter | June 16, 2016 |

In the wake of the horrific Orlando shooting, Ooompa-Loompa-American Donald Trump was an actual compassionate human for a moment, saying, “Our nation stands together in solidarity with the members of Orlando’s LGBT community. They have been through something that nobody could ever experience. This is a very dark moment in America’s history.”

But then he spun this humanizing moment into political word vomit, insisting that his anti-immigration policies would better protect the queer community, even though the gunman in this instance was an American born in New York. Trump went on to declare he’s a better ally to the LGBTQ community than Hillary Clinton, demanding, “Ask the gays!

And “the gays” responded.

Kristy Puchko is with her.