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George Zimmerman's Virginia Shootings' Tweets Prove He's A Racist, Idiotic Asshole

By Emily Cutler | Twitter | August 28, 2015 |

By Emily Cutler | Twitter | August 28, 2015 |

I originally wanted to put this in the “Celebrities Are Better Than You” category, but we don’t have a “Infamous Murdering Pieces Of Shit Are Better Than You /sarcasm” category. Yet.

George Zimmerman, He-Who-Fatally-Shot-An-Unarmed-Black-Teenager, took to Twitter yesterday to discuss the Virginia shootings. And I’m just going to leave a few of these here for safe keeping. Please feel free to use them as needed.

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I usually don’t feel the need to issue trigger warnings, but it’s early on a beautiful Friday morning and I don’t want to ruin that for you. Be warned that you will leave the house with your blood boiling. It’s worse than you can imagine. (Please excuse the artistic license. The tweets are in chronological reverse order, but that’s only because he got the really stupid bullshit out of the way first. I prefer to save the good stuff for the big reveal.)

I’m not sure what this tweet is supposed to mean. That if Obama had a son, he would have been a 41-year-old dude? And Obama does have a couple of kids. Ones who have thus far not murdered any unarmed teenagers. So I’m going to go point Obama.

Another shot at Obama. This time he’s taken one of the President’s statements out of context, and called him a “baboon” (P.S. totally not racist) because the statement is demonstrably true? Good one, Zim.

Yeah, too bad he took the time to make sure he understood the situation, had the appropriate facts, and then prepared a thorough statement. Why didn’t he just take to Twitter to spout nonsense like all sensible people do.

All joking aside, you can get straight fucked. Seriously, fuck you. “Too much of a daisy to deal w/ racism”? George, you ignorant fuck, you couldn’t deal with your racism. Which is why you STALKED, ASSAULTED AND FINALLY MURDERED AN UNARMED TEENAGER.

I could now go on my own rant about the misunderstanding of racism as an institutional force, how the involvement of people of different races or sexual identities doesn’t automatically necessitate a hate crime, or about the bald faced stupidity of anyone complaining about racism while they’ve got a Confederate fucking flag as their Twitter photo. But instead I’m just going to thank Hannibal Burris. He not only got the ball rolling with finally exposing Bill Cosby as a monster, but he’s also given us the greatest retort since “I’ma let you finish.”

There was a lot of horrible shit that went down this week. It’s true. But you murder children, George Zimmerman, so turn the crazy down a couple notches.

You vile, piece of shit.