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You Wouldn't Like Them When They're Angry: What We Learned From Last Night's Thor-ish 'Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D.'

By Joanna Robinson | TV | November 20, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | TV | November 20, 2013 |

Bumping Fitz Up The Death Watch List: He’s got an endearing thing for monkeys and a certain kind of sandwich. That puts him in enough danger as it is.
Screen Shot 2013-11-20 at 11.07.11 AM.png

But then there’s this. Whedon won’t allow this sort of adorable nonsense to continue.

He Is…The Least Interesting Man In The World: So we got a Simmons-centric episode two weeks ago and it was great. But this Grant episode falls flat. Why? Because he’s extremely shapely cardboard that’s why.

Not even a haunting backstory can animate him.

Putting The Ass In Asgard: The episode did feature the amazing Peter MacNicol as a stealth Asgardian. You know I could listen to MacNicol talk about gods all day.

The Most Compelling Thing Grant Has Done: He may be shapely cardboard, but at least he’s shapely cardboard with good taste.

If this is how they fight, imagine how they do other things.

COULSON IS A DOLL?!: A friend of mine called this a few weeks ago. I don’t think it’s actually the case but the Whedons couldn’t help themselves and slipped in this sly Dollhouse reference.

All in all a fairly disappointing episode, especially with the hyped and alleged connection to Thor: The Dark World. They couldn’t even muster Samuel L. Jackson? A trashed University of Greenwich was the best we could do. Badly done, show. Very badly done.