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We Should All Bask In The Warming Glow of Conan O’Brien Meeting A Fan

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 29, 2020 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 29, 2020 |


2020 has had its fair … fair share of … it sucked. You get that, right? I don’t have to say it anymore? Good. We’re all on the same page. There have been a few silver linings, though! For instance, while Zoom started as a nightmare scenario of people you never hung out with trying to video chat with you and you have no excuse not to because they know you’re home, it’s connected people in good ways as well. A prime example of that is Conan O’Brien’s Golden Ticket giveaway.

If you listen to Conan’s podcast or follow any of the Team Coco social media handles, you’ll know that Conan’s Crew of Chill Chums has been handing out “Golden Tickets” to lucky fans, offering a chance to meet with Conan. While I can’t say for sure that this is a result of pandemic restrictions, it does seem ideal that Conan can just hop on a Zoom call with a lucky fan. Like Ben from Aurora, Colorado!

The clip posted to the Team Coco YouTube channel is short (I recommend listening to the whole interview in the latest episode of Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend), but there is still lots of goodness to unpack. First and foremost, Ben looks and sounds genuinely happy to be meeting with Conan. You feel his excitement. Then he introduces his dogs, much to the delight of Conan’s assistant Sona Movsesian. There’s happiness all around and it makes my heart feel all big.

In a year when I’m anxiously awaiting the next shitty thing to happen, Conan O’Brien has been an absolute bright spot (as well as my wife becoming pregnant with twins or whatever, this isn’t about me). He will often say how the podcast has been helpful to him, and with the Golden Ticket Giveaway, it feels like he’s passing on that feeling to others. Give it a watch, give it a listen, and bask in his tall, orange, warm, glowing, warming glow.