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To Bill Brasky! Scoring the Paul Rudd Hosted 'Saturday Night Live'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 8, 2013 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 8, 2013 |

Lots of cameos, but besides a three or four sketches, a fairly lousy show. Must Watch Sketches: The Monologue, Dan Charles #1 One Direction Fan, Jebidiah Atkinson, White Christmas, and the return of Bill Brasky. Everything else you can skip, and no, I’m not going to embed One Direction’s musical performances.

Cold Open — I wasn’t particularly excited about The Sound of Music parody, until — God bless her — Kristen Wiig’s Ugly Duckling Denise made a surprise cameo appearance. It didn’t actually improve the sketch (which was not very good) because Denise is terrible, but it may have been the first time we’ve ever seen Kate McKinnon crack an out-of-character smile, if ever so briefly. Still, there were so many amazing ways SNL could’ve used the Kristen Wiig (and very brief) Fred Armisen cameo. This was not one of them. (Score: 3/10)

Paul Rudd Monologue — One Direction vs. the Cast of Anchorman. IT’S TEARING ME APART. (It’s not. I have no idea who One Direction is, but each and every one of them has terrible hair). Anyway, the nine of them do an amusing rendition of “Afternoon Delight,” which works because of who it is, rather than what it is. (It’s not embeddable, but you can watch it here) (Score: 6.5/10)

Politics Nation — Not really even worth mentioning. Terrible. (Score: 2/10)

Dan Charles, # One Direction Fan — This pre-taped sketch might actually be funnier if Paul Rudd — who plays the over-enthusiastic number one fan of One Direction — didn’t actually look like a goddamn teenager, instead of the 44 year old man he is. I’m pretty sure that Rudd actually drinks the blood of boy bands to maintain his youthful appearance. The kids pretty much make this sketch, though. (Score: 7/10)

Paul Rudd Dancing Sketch — Paul Rudd Dancing Sketch! Paul Rudd Dancing Sketch! The conceit itself was pretty horrible — a couple negotiating an acrimonious divorce settlement break into dance every time their song comes on — but it involves Paul Rudd dancing, so … (Score: 1 Billion/10).

(Unfortunately, there is no embed, so these GIFs will have to do. I’d search for more, but for every Paul Rudd SNL GIF on tumblr right now, there are 8,000 One Direction GIFs.)


Weekend Update — Always reliable, and the Christmas Tinner joke was spectacular. (Score: 7/10)

Jacob the Podiatrist’s Son — Jacob was a little bit funny the first time they trotted him out. The fourth or fifth time? Not so much. To bring Jacob back for every Jewish holiday is actually a disservice to Jews. Please stop. (Score: 3/10).

Jebediah Atkinson Yes, he is recurring after appearing for the first time only three weeks ago (which he makes light of himself), but he delightfully shreds Christmas TV specials. As in his last appearance, he’s the highlight of the show. “It’s a Wonderful Life? Every time this movie airs, an angel blows its brains out.” (Score: 8/10)

Lorenzo — Rudd plays one of Michelangelo’s male models, for whom David was modeled. He’s not pleased with the tiny penis. So, it’s basically an entire sketch of tiny dick jokes, which actually makes it one of the night’s better sketches. (Score; 5/10)

White Christmas Trailer — “The first black holiday movie for a white audience … everything you expect from a black holiday movie, but with a white cast.” Great idea, and Paul Rudd’s hilarious turn as White Madea is the icing. (Score: 7.5/10)

Skinny Santa — Santa lost 150 pounds and looks like Paul Rudd with a white beard and says inappropriate things. (Score: 4/10)

Victor — Some woman is revisited by the memories of all of her ex-lovers, and an obnoxious Paul Rudd character keeps rudely interrupting. It doesn’t work. (Score: 3/10)

Bill Brasky — “Bill Brasky’s testicles have an IQ of 91. He once date raped Karl Malone on a dare! To Bill Brasky!” God bless, there was a reason to stay up for the entire show, after all. Classic. (Score: 10/10)