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The Trailer for Starz Wrestling Drama, 'Heels,' Has Some Real 'I Don't Want Your Life' Energy

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 20, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 20, 2021 |


I am intrigued by Starz’s new wrestling drama, Heels, although I don’t know yet if I am intrigued enough to subscribe to Starz, home to about half a dozen series that look almost but not quite worth subscribing to another streaming service. It stars Stephen Amell — recently removed from a plane for yelling at his wife — and Alexander Ludwig. The series is about two brothers, who are rivals in the wrestling ring, vying for national attention. It’s set in small-town Georgia.

Here’s the thing: Amell and Ludwig are Canadian actors. A good Canadian actor would have no problem pulling off a Georgia accent. Amell and Ludwig may have a lot of presence, and the right kind of star power to lead a Starz wrestling drama, but I would not say that they are great actors. In fact, based on the trailer, I think they may have learned how to speak with a Southern accent from James Van Der Beek in Varsity Blues. That’s not exactly a knock against it — Varsity Blues is great — because if I do watch, it will mostly be for Frank Sobotka, anyway.

Check out the trailer if only for the bizarre version of “We Can Be Heroes.”

Heels premieres on August 15.