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The Trailer for 'Good Omens' Season 2 Hamms It Up

By Nate Parker | TV | June 7, 2023 |

By Nate Parker | TV | June 7, 2023 |


Detractors aside, most of us agree that the first season of Sir Terry Pratchett’s (RIP) and Neil Gaiman’s literary masterpiece Good Omens was a delight. Buoyed by David Tennant’s and Michael Sheen’s wholehearted performances as demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale, the show mostly hit its mark, though the Antichrist and Apocalypse took a backseat to the will they\won’t they dynamic of its two leads. That was fine, because Tennant and Sheen brought it in spades.

Now these two face an uncertain future in a world where the scheduled apocalypse failed to happen. After some fiendish and angelic trickery, our favorite spiritual beings are on their own, ostracized by both Heaven and Hell. Aziraphale is content running his bookstore and Crowley is no doubt happy as a pig in mud causing general mischief until someone very high on Heaven’s flowchart goes missing.

Yep. I’m in. Jon Hamm’s character of Gabriel was new to the show and spent last season as an antagonist for our main duo, eager to see the Apocalypse play out to its inevitable, Heavenly victory. He’s somehow lost his memory, and it’s up to Aziraphale and Crowley to keep him off the metaphysical radar until they can find out exactly what’s going on. I’m excited to see Hamm get more comedic opportunities; he’s funny as Hell when not stuck playing Heaven’s straight man.

Joining this year’s cast is Quelin Sepulveda as the angel Muriel, Liz Carr as angel Saraqael, and Shelley Conn as Beelzebub. Good Omens returns to Earth on July 28, only on Amazon Prime.