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The SAG-AFTRA Strike Is Being Held Up By a Diabolical AI Sticking Point

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 7, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | November 7, 2023 |


As we enter the 117th day of the SAG-AFTRA strike, it appears as though the studios and the actors’ union have agreed on most terms, including — as others have reported — residuals, as well as bonus residuals for stronger performing streaming series. However, the big sticking point appears to be a loophole that the studios tried to sneak past the actors in a contract that is hundreds of pages long. From The Hollywood Reporter:

Multiple sources familiar with the state of the negotiations tell The Hollywood Reporter that SAG-AFTRA has pushed back on an AI clause that is included in the studios’ latest offer. The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers is seeking to secure AI scans for Schedule F performers — guild members who earn more than the minimum for series regulars ($32,000 per TV episode) and feature films ($60,000). The companies’ suggested clause would require studios and streamers to pay to scan the likeness of Schedule F performers. SAG-AFTRA is seeking to attach a compensation for the re-use of AI scans as AMPTP member companies would also need to secure consent from the performer. The language currently in the AMPTP’s offer would see the studios and streamers secure the right to use scans of deceased performers without the consent of their estate or SAG-AFTRA.

The studios are trying to gain the blanket ability to use the likeness of a dead actor without permission from the estate. If you’re alive, they have to get permission. If you’re dead, they do not. Not cool, AMPTP. Not cool.

It’s not clear if this is the only sticking point or if it’s just the most significant one. It’s also unclear how willing to bend the studios will be. If I were a studio head, however, I’d let this one go.

“The people who launched the campaign to take a deal — they’d be f—ked if we took this deal with that in there,” a source from the union told The Hollywood Reporter, which seems to be a not-so-subtle dig at the A-listers who have been anxious to get the deal done.

The Marvels, meanwhile, will launch this weekend without publicity from Brie Larson, who could be selling the hell out of it plus Lessons in Chemistry if the studios would pay these actors. A few talk show appearances from Brie Larson are worth millions of dollars in free publicity.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter