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The First Full Trailer for Jodie Whittaker's 'Doctor Who' Is 'Glorious'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 20, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 20, 2018 |


Next month — on October 7th, to be exact — Doctor Who will make its return, airing globally on Sunday nights, where it will face off against the return of The Walking Dead, which debuts on the same night. There’s a new showrunner in Chris Chibnall, and a new Doctor in town, to boot, played by Jodie Whittaker, and here we get our first extended look at her performance as the 13th Doctor.

Here are descriptions for the first two episodes and despite what the tweet says, Chibnall has noted that the season will have only stand-alone episodes, to better help the series recruit new fans and gain a broader audience.

The new Doctor also has a different style, and — as Whittaker notes in Variety — the outfit may very well play into the story:

Whittaker took the lead in terms of costume — her Doctor wears cropped pants and a striped T-shirt — which she hints has a deeper meaning that will play into the story. “There is a reason … for every single little thing, the color of every single little part of the outfit, every stripe, every lining,” she says. “Everything is a choice, and at some point you may know [why].”