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The 5 Biggest 'Holy Sh*t' Moments in 'The People vs. OJ Simpson'

By Courtney Enlow | TV | April 5, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | TV | April 5, 2016 |

I was only 10 when the Simpson trial took place. And while I remember bits and pieces, The People Vs. OJ Simpson has been massively eye-opening to me. As we bid it farewell tonight, here are the five biggest “holy shits” the show has offered so far.

The first time Marcia Clark dropped the fuck bomb.


“Cochran. Motherfucker.”

The show has been blasting the fuck word ever since.

Literally everything Mark Fuhrman says.


After they said he was reprimanded by Ito’s wife for writing “KKK” on a picture of Martin Luther King, Jr. (something not totally true but based in reality, with differing versions mentioned in Darden’s and Fuhrman’s books) I just yelled out “JESUS CHRIST.” Then I read he managed to get himself a gig with Fox News and I yelled out “JESUS CHR—oh, that makes a lot of sense actually. BUT STILL, JESUS CHRIST.”

The moment you realize the jury foreperson is Mrs. Nordberg.

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Seriously, holy shit. Actress Susan Beaubian, who plays jury foreperson Armanda Cooley, also played the wife of OJ Simpson’s Naked Gun character, Nordberg. And apparently? The casting choice was a total accident fluke.

The entire “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia” episode.


There is a moment when Clark is on the elevator and she’s smiling because she’s excited. She’s so happy with how she looks and she wants to see people’s reactions. Then this happens.


And it’s just this completely heartbreaking deflation of your entire soul. The “holy shit” escapes you and takes with it every ounce of happiness you once had. Have we all lined up and apologized to Marcia Clark yet? We should.

All the racism and how much he totally did it but also the racism and how society and the world is broken, just broken, and 20 years later it’s no better.

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Everything is terrible. Except this show.

The finale of The People Vs. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story airs tonight on FX.