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Sophie Turner Slaps the Hell Out of Conan O'Brien

By Dustin Rowles | TV | June 6, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | June 6, 2019 |


Sophie Turner was on Conan last night to promote Dark Phoenix, the last X-Men movie under the 20th Century Fox banner and, from what I understand, a movie that will be seen by only critics and completists (I get it, completists! I watched every last episode of Dexter and Sons of Anarchy). Nobody really cares about Dark Phoenix, though, so the talk was mostly Game of Thrones related, and even then the stories were mostly rehashes: No, she isn’t responsible for the coffee cup; the women didn’t drink beverages on set because it was too difficult to remove the costumes to go to the restroom, so it was probably Kit; yes, Sophie and her best friend Maisie used to make out on set to troll fans and also, because sometimes best friends make out; and no, Sophie Turner still hasn’t watched the last two episodes, because clearly she is not a completist.

Anyway, I’m not here for any of that. I’m here for a game that Sophie Turner calls tequila slaps, a game that she and her Game of Thrones colleagues played. Basically, someone drinks a shot of tequila, and someone else tries to slap it out of their mouth before they swallow it. Yes, it’s violent, and yes, one time Sophie appeared on Conan with a purple handprint on her face because she had played it the night before, and yes, sometimes men will slap women, with permission because that’s the nature of the game and f**k you, if women can’t play, too.

Point is: Sophie Turner slaps the sh*t out of Conan, and the decibel level of the thwack comes as just as much a surprise to the audience as it does to Conan.

Anyway, I hope I didn’t oversell it, because I’ve watched it four times, and it startles me every time.

Header Image Source: TBS