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Seth Myers On 'Late Night' Former Writer, Michelle Wolf: 'She Is Filthy, and She Is Mean'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 1, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | May 1, 2018 |


Michelle Wolf, who gave the White House Correspondents’ Dinner speech over the weekend, that generated a lot of unfair criticism from the (fucking) press, was a writer on Late Night with Seth Meyers for two years before joining The Daily Show. Last night, Seth Meyers — who also delivered a WHCD speech back in 2011 that may or may not have prompted Trump to run for President — finally had an opportunity to speak to Wolf’s speech.

“She is filthy, and she is mean,” he said. “And that’s what we love about her, because those are wonderful qualities for comedians and terrible qualities for free-world leaders.”


Seth also suggested that the President of the WHCA sold Wolf out by praising her for her ability to speak truth to power before the speech and then throwing her under the bus, afterward, suggesting that the speech wasn’t in the spirit of civility. “You hired her! That’s like a parent sending an email saying that yesterday’s birthday party was meant to celebrate Kevin turning six years old. Unfortunately, the stripper’s dance routine was not in the spirit of the party.”

Seth also added, “I know you think that I’m saying this because Michelle is my friend, but I can’t stress this enough. Michelle is so mean. I was her boss and she made the meanest jokes about me all the time. She’s been gone for two years and I still jump when I see a redhead on the streets. We are lucky to have her.”

Wolf’s Netflix special comes out at the end of the month. I cannot wait.