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Seth Meyers Wants To Catch Everyone Up On The Last Five Months

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 3, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | October 3, 2023 |

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Late night is back, baby! It feels like only yesterday, the AMPTP was claiming they didn’t have enough money to pay their workers fairly. We know that was a lie (we always knew, but now we have proof). Still! The WGA strike is over (but other equally dire strikes are still going). Now, late-night writers who had sought additional routes to get their jokes out are back in the studio!

All members of the Strike Force Five podcast have returned to their respective shows, Kimmel, Oliver, Colbert, a ukulele-playing Jimmy Fallon with zero irony. I could pull a clip from any of those shows that people work very hard on. But I know what you people want. I know what wets your whistle and quickens your heartbeat.

It’s not a suit or glasses. No silver locks or English accents. You want a man whose smile can light up a room. Someone who isn’t afraid to get drunk with his guests. You want a host that looks like someone who was definitely mean to you in high school but without a swimmer’s bod. Though maybe he does have one. I can’t see under that knit sweater he looks so cozy in.

You want Seth Meyers. Just admit it. I’ve seen your comments. There’s no hiding it. Nor should you! I get it. He’s smart and handsome and endlessly charming. He spent thirty minutes last night talking about the last five months. I lived through the last five months. They sucked! I didn’t want to be reminded of them. Yet, I watched these thirty minutes happily.

It could be that I’m excited for late-night shows to be back. People are back to work, doing what they love. That’s rad! But Meyers isn’t the only one who took time to catch people up; he’s just the best suited for it. Closer Look segments are a great way to cope with current events. Meyers puts on that friendly dad voice, and everything feels funny again. The last five months sucked, but they are over.