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Sacha Baron Cohen Illustrates Just How Unbelievably Evil the NRA Is

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 16, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | July 16, 2018 |


Sacha Baron Cohen’s Showtime series Who is America? debuted yesterday, and in it, Cohen brought in four new characters to “dupe” various officials, lawmakers, and regular people into saying things that they already believe. I covered the entire episode over on Uproxx, and I’ll say that the first three segments (including one with Bernie Sanders) were more uncomfortable than anything else (they basically illustrated the lengths that some folks will go to in order to maintain their politeness, and honestly, none of the subjects in those first three segments came off looking bad (including Sanders)).

The final segment, however: Whoo boy! In it, Cohen disguised himself as an Israeli security agent attempting to introduce a new program into the United States that would arm preschoolers in schools. PRESCHOOLERS. And not only did he get a leading gun rights advocate, a top gun-rights lobbyist, and various former and current Congressional Republicans to go along with the program, many of them did so enthusiastically.

It’s a difficult segment to put into words, but it absolutely deserves to be seen in its entirety (although, if you are short on time, at least watch the last two minutes).

Happy Shooting, Kids!