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On 'SNL,' Matt Damon Puts on a Show as the Irate, Weeping Brett Kavanaugh

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 29, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 29, 2018 |


Saturday Night Live kicked off the season by continuing in their tradition of using A-list cameos in their political cold opens, appropriately bringing in Matt Damon to play an irate, beer-guzzling, and occasionally weepy Brett Kavanaugh. The resemblance is uncanny. The cold open took aim at the Kavanaugh hearing, where Damon’s Kavanaugh shotgunned beers, threw tantrums, and cried while recalling his calendar.

“Let me tell you this. I’m going to start at an 11, and I’m going to take it to a 15 real quick,” Damon screamed. “Now I’m usually an optimist. I’m usually a keg is half full kind of guy … Guess what? I’m not backing down, you sons of bitches. I don’t know the meaning of the word ‘stop.’”

Rachel Dratch also made a cameo appearance in the cold open as Senator Amy Klobuchar, while Lindsay Graham was played brilliantly by … Kate McKinnon.

I don’t know if this cold open is going to change anything, but you can bet your ass it’s going viral.

Our full SNL recap will go up first thing Sunday morning.