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Let's Solve CBS All Access' Compelling New Mystery, 'Interrogation,' Before It Even Airs

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 13, 2020 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | January 13, 2020 |


Here is the trailer for CBS All Access’ new series, Interrogation, from creators Anders Weidemann and John Mankiewicz, and starring — among others — Peter Sarsgaard, David Strathairn, Kodi Smit-McPhee, and Kyle Gallner.

Based on the trailer alone, it looks kind of interesting, for a CBS All Access show. But here’s the hook: It’s based on a true story that spanned more than 20 years beginning when a young man was charged and convicted for murdering his mother. The first nine episodes will be released at once, and each episode is structured around an interrogation based on actual police files. Apparently, these episodes can be watched in any order.

The tenth episode, however, will air at a later date, and apparently, it will offer the solution to the mystery in the first nine episodes, which revolves around an actual criminal case. The idea is to turn the viewer into the detective, which seems like a great idea … if it weren’t for the Internet, and Reddit, and social media, which I have to think we’ll probably crack this case wide open halfway through the first episode.

Or maybe even before? Here’s what we know: It’s based on a real criminal case, presumably about a young man who is convicted of murdering his mother. I assume that, 20 years later, we find out that the young man isn’t responsible, and that 20 years of interrogations lead to the actual murderer. Beyond that, this is all we know (from Deadline):

The network is not revealing the real case that is at the center of the series. While it did not make national news, it is well known to people living in the area where it happened. For now, the scripts feature the real names of the people involved in it, it is hasn’t been decided yet whether they would be changed.

I really do like that concept, and the cast is great, too. I have no idea if it will work in its execution, but it could make for fascinating television. Or it could be a complete dud.

Header Image Source: CBS All Access