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Larry David Wanted 'Barry' To End With Season 3

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 22, 2023 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | May 22, 2023 |


I did not think Barry was going to be good. The idea of a hitman taking improv classes sounded flat-out dumb. Even after seeing the initial trailers, I was only slightly sold on the premise. Luckily, I did not trust my instincts. Barry has become a favorite of mine, and deep into its 4th and final season, it is one of the most creatively inspiring shows I have ever watched.

Over the run of the series, Bill Hader has exhibited more creative control over the material. He’s always been a co-creator, writer, and director and, therefore, very involved in the show’s production. However, the fourth season was directed by Hader in its entirety. It has kept its biting humor while delivering surreal and unnerving sequences. It’s one of the best television shows, and if it were up to Larry David, it wouldn’t have gotten this far.


On a recent episode of Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend, Hader returned to talk about Barry before its last episode. At one point, he reveals that Larry David loved the show but felt it should have ended with the third season. Season three ended with Barry in prison. In Larry David’s eyes, that was the end of the show. As Matt Gourley quickly points out, that makes sense, given the notorious Seinfeld ending!

The show did not end after season 3 (thank Zod). Instead, we have been blessed with impeccable storytelling and a firm creative vision. Barry may go down as being Bill Hader’s masterpiece. The only reason I would have been excited about it ending at season 3 is if it meant we’d be finding out whatever he’s working on next. I think it’s gonna be a doozy.