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Kimmel's Latest Mean Tweets Take Aim at Nickelback, Korn, and Imagine Dragons

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 10, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 10, 2018 |


Good morning! Jimmy Kimmel’s latest “Mean Tweets” segments comes on the heels of the American Music Awards, which I understand included several more honors for Taylor Swift (who now holds the record for AMA wins), a tribute to Aretha from Gladys Knight, and a cooling of the feud between Cardi B and Nicki Minaj.

But we’re not here about that. We’re here to watch musicians read aloud sh*tty things about themselves that Twitter has written, and Kimmel’s lineup of musicians includes Korn — who takes offense at being compared to Nickelback — Nickelback themselves, Imagine Dragons (who are lumped in with Maroon 5 and Hitler); Halsey, who sounds like she’s being “f**ked by a goat,” the Chainsmokers, Jason Mraz, and even Elvis Costello, although the level of insult directed at him is fairly minimal (as it should be).

There’s also a few people on here who I have never heard of because I am atrociously unhip where it concerns music, like Dua Lipa, who I looked up, and who sounds to me like Lady Gaga as Abby Maine in the sell-out portion of her career in A Star is Born.