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Jordan Klepper Wants You To Know That Everyone Can Be Insufferable

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 9, 2021 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 9, 2021 |

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Jordan Klepper cut his teeth exposing the hypocrisy and lunacy of the MAGA crowd. He attended rally after rally. He talked to all manner of Trump supporters. However, now and again he dips his toe into bluer waters. Turns out that people on the left can be just as hypocritical and crazy.

In the newest edition of Jordan Klepper Fingers the Pulse, Klepper ventured to Southern California to talk to a bunch of anti-vaxxers, most of whom claim they aren’t anti-vax, just anti-forced vax? Sounds a lot like anti-bully or anti-mandate, which both translate to anti-vax.

I lost a good friend to medicinal health gurus. He is someone with a very real fear of having dementia in his old age. I watched him get taken advantage of and eventually turn against his friends. Whenever I see people like this, it’s all that I can think of. People, who claim to take advice from nature instead of, I dunno, people who have studied medicine and the human body?

One of the funniest things about this video is how these so-called “enlightened” people react to Klepper’s jabs. Instead of staunchly defending their views and beliefs, they tend to back down or not comment. Say what you will about the MAGA crowd (and we do), at least they defend their nonsense.