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Jordan Klepper Asks Nikki Haley Voters in North Carolina: Trump or Biden?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 6, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | March 6, 2024 |


As we have already discussed, Nikki Haley dropped out of the Presidential race this morning. She has not officially endorsed Donald Trump, saying instead that he will have to earn her supporters vote, which may be difficult since Trump has already declared that Haley voters are not welcome in MAGA. Will this dissuade them from voting for Trump?

That’s what Jordan Klepper wanted to know. He went to a Haley rally in North Carolina, where Trump’s Republican support is reportedly soft, and asked her voters, gun to the head, who would they vote for after Haley drops out of the race? All of the Haley supporters seemed to agree upon one thing: That Donald Trump is an existential threat to Democracy, terrible for the country, and that they would never support him again.

Most also agreed that, between Trump and Biden, they’d probably vote for Trump. Why? Because Biden is old, and in their minds, apparently being four years older than his opponent makes Biden less suitable for office than a man they all agree is an existential threat to Democracy.

“If you had to choose feeling nothing (vote for Biden) or being punched in the nuts (vote for Trump), what would you choose?” Their answer is what’s wrong with America.