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Jimmy Kimmel Shows Just How Tough Trump Was On Putin

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 10, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | March 10, 2022 |

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There are certain events in my life that I have just blacked out. It doesn’t happen intentionally. I’m sure there’s a more scientific explanation, but to me, it feels like a way for my brain to defend me. The first girlfriend I lived with, several years of grade school, all hidden away. However, sometimes something can trigger these memories. With just a smell, or a song, or a picture, I find myself transported to a different time — a time my brain assured me I wanted nothing to do with. I just had a similar experience watching this Jimmy Kimmel clip.

I made sure to be hyper-aware of current events when Donald Trump was president. I’m still aware now, but things felt dire when that walking disaster was in charge. That said, I’ve hidden those memories. I don’t think about him. I don’t listen to him. If you asked me, “Was Trump tough on Putin?” I would say, “No,” but probably struggle to provide any evidence. So, when I watched this clip from Jimmy Kimmel: Live, I felt like I was having an intense flashback.

All those four years came rushing back. Suddenly, I felt frightened, confused, annoyed. Everything about that sub-human liar made me cringe and twist and shake. It’s embarrassing. Embarrassing that, for a time, we were led by such a tactless, evil jackass, and embarrassing that people are trying to act like he wasn’t that way. Even if he wasn’t in bed with Putin, he sure as shit acted like it. He kissed Putin’s ring more than most people kiss their partners.

Was Trump tough on Putin? No. Was he a shameful, embarrassing leader when he was in charge of our country? Yes. I knew both of these things, but being reminded of them was… no fun.