By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 18, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 18, 2018 |
I didn’t really think I wanted to see a Jim Carrey and Bill Pullman Jeff Daniels Dumb and Dumber reunion on Conan last night, because it’s only been four years since the sequel, and no one liked the sequel because the sequel wasn’t good (“F-ck them!” — Jeff Daniels).
But it turned out to be surprisingly pleasant, joyous even, in part because Daniels and Carrey clearly do really like each other, they have great chemistry together, and, well, Jim Carrey also slides in a dig at Dustin Hoffman (“Fortunately, he was on the phone, so he couldn’t grab me.” Ouch)
Also, I really will watch The Looming Tower one day.
via Uproxx