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Is That Nick Offerman's Voice at the End of 'Brooklyn Nine Nine' Saying 'Fremulon'?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 29, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 29, 2016 |

Brooklyn Nine-Nine returned last night on Fox in its new Sunday timeslot, where I don’t expect it to fare particularly well in the ratings (not that it could do that much worse than it did on Tuesday nights last year). Fortunately, with the cancellation of The X-Factor, the erosion of American Idol, and the inability of Fox to launch a new show (see, e.g., Utopia), Fox is entering a phase similar to the one that NBC was in several years ago, in which it had no choice but to renew perennially low-rated series like Community and Parks and Recreation.

Likewise, expect New Girl, The Mindy Project, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine to continue on, as long as critics continue to love them (don’t expect a similar treatment of Mulaney. I think it’s going to be John Mulaney’s Lucky Louie, i.e., the failed sitcom before the huge hit).

Anyway, Brooklyn Nine-Nine picked back up with its brilliant self last night, and among the highlights were Terry’s lisp, the Captain’s smile, and Santiago and Boyle’s matching outfits.



I also appreciated how the show decided not to completely back away from Peralta’s crush on Santiago. Mike Schur’s sitcoms are typically good about not keeping the love interests apart for too long, and for making them work well once they do get together. As always, the important thing is to keep a side-couple on the backburner to deal with romantic-run-off. These two are Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Andy and April.


At the end of the episode, however, there was that peculiar tag again.

Was that Nick Offerman? Of course it was Nick Offerman. It’s obviously Nick Offerman, but I always forget to look it up to confirm. Last night, I finally did so, and discovered this exchange between Offerman and Questlove on Twitter.


Gif Source: Chet Manley