By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 13, 2023 |
By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 13, 2023 |
Nothing says Christmas like manufactured outrage! For years, conservatives of all types have argued that Christmas doesn’t get enough attention. They claim there’s a war on Christmas. In their Percocet and Pinot Grigio-addled brains, liberals won’t stop until December is a cold, dead month. It’s all horseshit, of course. There is no war on Christmas, so the perpetual pearl clutchers are pivoting. Now, they think certain people are embracing Christmas too much.
Target has released a line of nutcrackers that include an LGBTQ+-friendly version. It is harmless. It’s also not the only non-Christmas nutcracker Target sells. They also have a nutcracker doctor and a nutcracker Uncle Sam. It’s all dumb! I don’t know anyone who expresses who they are through nutcrackers. I’m sure such people exist, but that doesn’t require meltdowns over custom nutcrackers that aren’t even the only ones available. But culture wars wouldn’t hit right if they weren’t at least a little dumb.
According to Guy Who You Should Never Leave Your Drink With Jesse Watters, a gay nutcracker was a step too far. He likes his nutcrackers at their most useful to him: set up as surrogate fathers he can talk to when Bill O’Reilly doesn’t answer his phone. It’s an extra bit of ickiness that this issue doesn’t affect him (or anyone). The Daily Show took to the streets to prove just that.
Finding support for an LGBTQ+ positive nutcracker is easier in NYC, but it’s not definite. Still, the segment quickly proves how much of a non-issue this is. Some people don’t even seem to know it is an issue. Bless their non-online brains. It must be calm and bright in there.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention how great Grace Kuhlenschmidt is in this bit. I have not seen her before, but she’s a great addition to the already impressive squad of correspondents. She’s funny, she’s quick, and she’s silly as hell. You can feel her personality shining through in a way that not only works on the audience, it works on the people she’s talking to. I can’t wait to see more from her!