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Here's a Teaser for Netflix's Ghoulish 'Killer Inside: The Mind of Aaron Hernandez'

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 20, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 20, 2019 |


There’s a lot of layers to the Aaron Hernandez story. He was a superstar tight-end for the New England Patriots until 2013, when he was released from the team after being charged with the murder of Odin Lloyd, the boyfriend of the sister of Hernandez’s fiancee. He was convicted of that homicide and while serving life in prison, he was indicted for a 2012 double murder, for which he was later acquitted (although there was “powerful evidence” he was involved in the murder of two immigrants). Five days after his acquittal, Hernandez committed suicide in his prison cell. After his death, his brain was studied, revealing that he had stage 3 chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), a progressive degenerative disease found in NFL players after they’ve suffered too many blows to the head.

In other words, it’s not just a true-crime documentary — although it is that, too — it’s also an account of what can happen to anyone who plays in the NFL long enough, and it is sure to reraise questions about CTE.

The three-part documentary series begins airing on January 15th.

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