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Hell Hath No Fury Like A Schmidt Scorned: Cute-Ranking Last Night's 'New Girl' And 'Mindy Project'

By Joanna Robinson | TV | October 2, 2013 |

By Joanna Robinson | TV | October 2, 2013 |

Once again, New Girl was the clear front-runner this week. (Get it together, Mindy. I told everyone you were worth watching!) First things first, in an hour full of break-ups at least we were given one couple to ship. Winston and Ferguson forever, y’all.


Actually there was a lot of Nick and Jess cuteness too. Squabbling cuteness. I am absolutely loving how the show is handling these two being together.


And, of course, we can, if we want, ship Morgan and Dr. C. The National certainly was.


I guess the biggest heartbreak from The Mindy Project should have been the departure of Anders Holm. But we all saw that coming and the episode handled it so messily and inorganically. No, the real heartbreak came from how little I was impressed by Adam Pally’s new character. I adore Pally from his work on Happy Endings but my feelings about him here are only middling at best. He’s going to be a series regular going forward and I was really excited by that prospect. After last night? Not so much.


But, dear god, the gut punch of the night was Hannah Simone’s face. And the camera kept lingering there. Because she’s so damn beautiful even as her world is crumbling. BAD SCHMIDT. I don’t know how he could possibly come back from this. I’m on record as hating the whole plot line, yes?


But don’t be sad, everyone. Look, Nick made up a dance so everyone will be happy! Is it working?
