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Dismissed Juror Says that Donald Trump Looks Less Orange-ish In Person, More Yellow

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 18, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 18, 2024 |


We are on Day 3 of the hush-money, election-interference trial against Donald J. Trump, and so far, it’s been a mess. On day one, Trump fell asleep and over half the potential jurors were dismissed because they said they couldn’t render an unbiased verdict in a case involving the former President.

Since then, Trump has continued to violate the gag order against him. He’s tampered with witnesses by reposting items on Truth Social critical of Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, he used his phone in court in violation of the rules of the court, and he’s doing the inexcusable: Messing with jurors.

On day 2, Trump made dismissive gestures toward a potential juror, which is a cardinal sin. “I won’t tolerate it. I will not have any jurors intimidated in this courtroom … I want to make that crystal clear,” Judge Juan Merchan said in the courtroom.

Trump clearly wasn’t listening because last night, he quoted Jesse Watters on his Truth Social account after Watters did a rundown of the seven selected jurors, so far. Trump posted, “‘They are catching undercover Liberal Activists lying to the Judge in order to get on the Trump Jury,’ Jesse Watters”.

This is clear jury intimidation, and it’s not going to fly. The judge does not want to jail Trump — and make him a martyr — but he may have no choice because the former President, who already owes over $550 million in legal judgments from two cases alone, doesn’t care about the $1,000 fines being levied against him.

Meanwhile, today, the judge dismissed one of the seven selected jurors. She asked to be released from duty out of fear that she would be identified. Apparently, friends and family members had already reached out to ask if she was a juror based on the job description being reported by the media (oncology nurse). It’s also possible that she just wanted off the jury once she saw what kind of scrutiny she was under from the likes of Fox News. Trump has clearly outsourced jury tampering to his media outlet. Today, the judge has asked the press not to report the jobs of the jurors.

These are the sort of bullying tactics Trump has employed all his life. They work.

We did, however, at least get one revelation from the dismissed juror: In person, Trump is more yellow than orange. Good to know.

Anyway, the report from inside the courtroom is that Trump has managed to stay awake, so far. “He has partially closed his eyes —- something he tends to do in court when he seems to be trying to keep from lashing out. He appears to be awake,” reported Maggie Haberman.