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conan o'brien v.png

Conan Pits The Vaccine Companies Against Each Other

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 8, 2020 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | December 8, 2020 |

conan o'brien v.png

Sure, the thought has run across your mind. “What’s the first thing I do when I get the COVID vaccine?” Well, slow down there, little fella. Before you think about what movie theater you’re going to visit or which stranger you’re gonna kiss, you need to pick which vaccine to take. Luckily for you, Conan O’Brien just had two vaccine companies, Pfizer and Moderna, plead their cases.

I want to quickly add a disclaimer: These are not actual vaccine reps. You’re smart, intelligent people but apparently I am not. For the first minute and a half of this bit, I honestly thought these were real representatives of the companies. No foolin’. I won’t reveal when I finally got that this was a joke but I will say it was… too far into the bit.

What I love about this particular sketch is that it doesn’t feel too far off. Two companies in this country bickering about whose life-saving vaccine is better is not something that seems totally out of sorts. Eventually, the sketch skillfully devolves into a sillier scenario but that’s the genius of Conan in the first place.

Oh, before I forget. CONAN GOT A HAIRCUT! I think. Right?! I usually have to piece together the shows through YouTube clips and unless I missed it, I didn’t hear him address it directly. Unless he’s got it tied up in back with some sort of scrunchie-based magic, Conan finally trimmed his luscious, quarantine -induced locks. We’ll never forget you, surfer hair, nor the long, strange journey you took.