By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 8, 2018 |
By Dustin Rowles | TV | April 8, 2018 |
Cold Open — Alec Baldwin returns to play Trump for the Cold Open, giving a speech with the leaders of the Baltic states, and honestly, if I wanted to see a guy blather on incoherently, I’d watch the real thing. I prefer to read Trump speeches because his voice makes my skin crawl, and I have no interest anymore in seeing Baldwin do the exact same thing, slightly exaggerated. I am done with Baldwin’s Trump. (Watch Here) (Score: 3 out of 10)
Chadwick Boseman — Boseman mostly riffs on Black Panther and his career, saying he’s played a lot of historical black figures (although, not yet Rachel Dolezal, which might get him some awards consideration). He’s personable as hell, and though there’s not much to the monologue itself, Boseman makes it work with a killer James Brown dance and a lot of personality. (Score: 7 out of 10)
Nike Pro Chiller Leggings — Nike pants designed for endurance, but used mostly for sitting on the couch. Obvious joke is obvious, but it’s a’right. The ad spot for LIFE below is better. (Watch Here) (Score: 5 out of 10)
Black Jeopardy — Black Jeopardy returns with T’Challa! Last time we saw Black Jeopardy, it was literally the best sketch of 2016 for the way it contrasted the problems of black people with the problems of redneck Trump supporters (remember when we could still laugh about Trump because his presidency was only theoretical?). Here, it doesn’t have the same political bite, but it’s enormously amusing until the end, when T’Challa — whose experiences as a black man are decidedly different in Wakanda — brings it home with what to tell white Karen when she brings her potato salad to your cookout. Kenan, as usual, keeps it entertaining. (Watch Here) (Score: 8 out of 10)
Fertility Project — We meet the world’s first pregnant man, and we find out from the fertility specialists that this man will have to deliver the baby naturally … through his urethra. The damage will be significant. The repeated use of the word “tuliping” is what makes this sketch much better than it is. Also, this is the week’s Mat Special. (Watch Here) (Score: 5 out of 10)
Aidy B — Aidy Bryant channels Cardi B in real life, and the results are … you know what? This feels like a Kyle Mooney sketch. Like, maybe, Aidy Bryant came up with a fun idea and Mooney went and Mooney’d it. Goddamnit. (Watch Here) (Score: 5 out of 10)
Weekend Update — Che and Jost underperform with the political jokes this week — they’re ho-hum — but they kill it on the odd news. The real reason to watch this week, however, is Alex Moffat’s fantastic Zuckerberg impression, and Heidi Gardner as “Angel, Every Boxer’s Girlfriend.” She’s terrific. (Score: 7.5 out of 10)
Magic Mirror — Look in a mirror and you’ll see your personal princess unless you are Leslie Jones, in which case you get R. Kelly eating a sandwich. Meh. (Watch Here) (Score: 3 out of 10)
Firefighters — In the midst of a huge building fire, Daniel (Boseman) decides to bail because he said he was leaving at 6 p.m., no exception. Why is he leaving? I dunno: Has something to do with dogs and sex dolls. I dunno. It’s a very bad sketch. It may be one of the worst sketches of the year. (Watch Here) (Score: 2 out of 10)
Restaurant Complaint — A group of restaurant patrons sing their compliments/complaints, and it’s both annoying and kind of charming, mostly when Boseman hits the low notes. Ohhhh yeeeaaaaaaaaah. (Watch Here) (Score: 5 out of 10)
The Game of Life: DACA Edition — It’s the game of LIFE, only you’re a DREAMer, and you’re going back to Honduras. Ouch. It’s funny cause it’s true; actually, nope. It’s not that funny. But it IS true. (Score: 7 out of 10)
Black Panther Screening — It’s cool that white people love Black Panther. It’s not cool when white people do the Wakanda salute. Great skit. Terrible ending. (Score: 6.5 out of 10)