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Brie Larson's 'Captain Marvel' Reveal Fails to 'Break the Internet,' and Other Movie/TV Miscellany

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 5, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | September 5, 2018 |


Last night, Brie Larson tweeted this:

I think she may have oversold it, because this — while certainly cool — does not exactly break anything, except for the hearts of those hoping for a Captain Marvel teaser.

Well, yep. That’s Captain Marvel alright. There’s also an image gallery here, which reveals the return of Lee Pace’s Ronan the Accuser.

Personally, I thought this was more Internet-breaky.

ALISON BRIE LARSON is coming for ya ☠️☠️☠️☠️

A post shared by Brie (@brielarson) on

— Elsewhere, I was not particularly impressed by Amazon’s Jack Ryan, but it is the first Amazon series I’ve bothered to watch in a while, so there’s at least that. Season two is already a go, and according to showrunner Carlton Cuse, it will take place in South America (and not Russia, as is teased in the Jack Ryan S1 finale), and it will be “an allegory for the decline of democracy.” I don’t know why the show even needs to leave America to illustrate that allegory.

— The terrifying Goodnight Mommy is getting an English-language remake with Matt Sobel attached to direct. David Kaplan (It Follows) will produce the film, the original of which featured one of the most terrifying trailers we’ve ever seen, although the film’s ending is even more f**ked up than we imagined.

— I know that some of you care about this (including myself), but details have spilled out about season 37 of Survivor, which debuts on September 27th. It’s a “David vs. Goliath” season, which pits people “who are “used to proving people wrong and defying expectations” against people who are used to “winning.” There’s also a new advantage, the idol nullifyer, which allows a contestant to nullify someone else’s hidden immunity idol(!)

I think I’m most excited about the fact that Mike White, who wrote School of Rock, Pitch Perfect 3 and a bunch of other movies is on this season, and if I’m not mistaken, Mike White also appeared on a season of The Amazing Race.

— Finally, I leave you with the new trailer for The Oath, which looks more fun than it has any right to be. Starring Ike Barinholtz and Tiffany Haddish, it’s basically about a family that tears themselves apart over Thanksgiving when politics enters the conversation. This should do very well.