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Last Night Was a Really Good Night in Late Night Television

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 19, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | December 19, 2019 |


The holidays are upon us. College kids have gone home to visit their parents and high-school kids are staying up late because they don’t care about school this week, and people are blowing off work to watch YouTube clips, so the late-night shows have brought out their best ahead of the holiday week. For starters, Jimmy Kimmel Live has never been better than it was last night when it was hosted by Brie Larson. Here’s the monologue, but stick around until the 9:20 mark for “Brie in a Tree,” this holiday season’s foul-mouthed Elf of a Shelf.

Meanwhile, over on The Tonight Show, reluctant props to Jimmy Fallon and Ryan Reynolds for their commercial for Yankee Candle’s “Get the F**k Out of My House” candle, the perfect candle when you’re trying to get guests to leave after holiday parties.

On Conan, Conan and Sona hash out their dysfunctional work relationship with an HR professional, and it is hilarious, particularly when Sona admits that she has a “mental block about helping” Conan. Sona is Conan’s ASSISTANT. They are the best work couple in television.

Finally, I leave you with Seth Meyers’ aptly named segment, “The Kind of Story We Need Right Now,” and this is exactly the kind of story we need right now.

Header Image Source: ABC