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Amber Ruffin Highlights The One Good Thing About Going Back To The Office

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 4, 2022 |

By Andrew Sanford | TV | April 4, 2022 |

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The COVID-19 pandemic changed life as we knew it. Now, things are slowly starting to return to “normal.” Part of that normality includes a slew of office workers who have been lucky enough to work from home being forced to return to the office. In a lot of cases, it seems unnecessary. Why deal with a terrible commute to and from work to do the same job you could do at home? A lot of companies won’t take no for an answer, but at least you can see your work friends again!

On the newest episode of The Amber Ruffin Show, Amber devoted a whole song to Work Friends. They are those people you jive with during your shift or in-between meetings. Then, as soon as the bird-whistle says you can go home, you forget about them. Well, some people didn’t see those work friends in person for almost two years. Now, with companies requiring workers to return, work friends will be essential.

I used to hang out with work friends outside of work. I’ve even made, and kept, close friendships with people I met through work. Now, having returned to one of my old in-person jobs, that has changed. I have changed as well. I’m a dad now, and the job has me out in midtown Manhattan until at least 9:30 PM. As soon as I’m able to go home, I may as well be a ghost. I miss spending time with my work friends, but my children wake up at 7 AM no matter what, so the advantages just aren’t there.

When I’m at work, though? There’s nothing better than a good work friend.