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'A Million Little Things', Episode 5: We Know Who Is Pregnant, But Who Is the Father?

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 25, 2018 |

By Dustin Rowles | TV | October 25, 2018 |


Look: This is going to have to be a quick recap today, because my entire afternoon has been derailed by a debate on the staff Slack page about whether Empire Records or Almost Famous is the better movie, and I think I might have fired half the staff. It’s like I don’t even know these people anymore.

Point being: I think Pajiba might just be me and Roxana now.


Joanna Robinson never would have allowed this. I’ve lost complete control of this place.

Anyway, so A Million Little Things, huh? I thought after last week’s episode that the drama had chewed through so much plot so quickly that it wouldn’t have anywhere left to go. I was wrong. This week, we got a divorce; a pregnancy; a basketball game with someone’s life at stake; and an elementary school play with an adorable tree.

We’ll begin with Gary and Maggie. Gary, who knows that Maggie’s cancer has returned, takes her out for a super-fun-awesome day of hot-air ballooning and pizza in the hopes that she will spill her secret (who eats deep dish pizza in Boston?! And also, the closest thing to a “taco place” in Coolidge Corner is Ana’s Taqueria). Eventually, the secret comes out, which is when Maggie tells Gary that she will not be seeking treatment. Gary is crushed, and eventually, he ends up playing a basketball game with Maggie where the winner dies. I mean, not immediately, but Maggie — who totally sharks Gary — wins the game on a three-pointer from outside, and as part of their arrangement, Gary has to let his girlfriend die of cancer without complaint. Gary is not so into that idea and decides to renege on Maggie. However, later in the episode — after Katherine tells Gary that he’s always the one that sticks around — Gary decides that he needs to be there for Maggie, too, no matter how painful that might be. He drops off a can of grape soda and a note: “I’m in.”

Seriously, though: If Maggie doesn’t change her mind and get chemo treatments, I’m going to flip.

Meanwhile, Katherine is feeling the burden of being the working mom in the relationship when it appears as though she’ll have to miss Theo’s school play because she’s in court. Eddie, however, makes some waves and gets the play pushed back long enough for Katherine to arrive in time to see it. Katherine and Eddie make for a great parenting team in this episode, which you might think would reignite their love for each other. You’d be wrong. It only reminds Katherine of what they could have had, and how badly Eddie screwed her over. So, they have a conversation with Theo, and Katherine kicks Eddie to the curb, and by “curb,” I mean Gary’s couch. I seriously hope that this doesn’t mean Grace Park will be pushed out of the friend group and the series, because I really like her.

Meanwhile, Gary also discovers a pregnancy test in Rome’s bathroom. Rome — who is now on anti-depressants and seeing his own real-life therapist — freaks out because he just quit his job, and he and Regina had made the decision to be childless. No matter. The test is not Regina’s. It’s Delilah’s. Rome is relieved. But whose baby is it? Eddie’s? Or Jon’s? Does Delilah even know?

We will presumably find out more about that next week in an episode where Ashley also stops by and finally gives Delilah what appears to be the motherlode on Jon’s suicide. Things are about to get even more interesting on A Million Little Things.