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Waiting to See the Lifetime Version of 'Cousin'

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | December 10, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | December 10, 2023 |


Masterchef Junior on Fox at 8:00pm ET. Two-hour special presentation.

Yes, Chef! Christmas on Lifetime at 8:00pm ET. Original telefilm. All of you who posted unholy things about Jeremy Allen White with any variation of “yes, chef!” in the caption are directly responsible for this. It’s even set in Chicago.

A Grammy Salute to 50 Years of Hip Hop on CBS at 8:30pm ET. Two-hour special presentation.

The Gilded Age on HBO at 9:00pm ET.

The Curse on Showtime at 10:00pm ET. There’s a cameo this week that does the very Nathan Fielder thing of piling up so many layers of irony I can’t discern who the joke is on.