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How to Win at Reality TV Competitions? Host Them.

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | September 28, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | September 28, 2023 |


Starstruck on Max at 3:01am ET. Third season premiere.

The Golden Bachelor on ABC at 8:00pm ET. Series premiere. I’ve always heard that the dating scene in assisted living communities is wild, we’ll see if that translates to a reality dating competition.

Hell’s Kitchen on Fox at 8:00pm ET. 22nd season premiere. Gordon Ramsay is the big winner over at Fox this fall.

Lego Masters on Fox at 9:00pm ET. Fourth season premiere.

The Challenge: USA on CBS at 10:00pm ET. Fun fact: The Challenge in some form or another has been running longer than Survivor. It started in 1998 as The Real World/Road Rules Challenge and was essentially a torture/drinking competition for the young proto-reality stars coming out of those shows with prizes contributed by sponsors. Now it’s a franchise spanning all the CBS reality series with some serious prize money attached to it. The real winner of this 25-year run? TJ Lavin who has been hosting the show for the last 18 years.