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Rocking the (Canadian) Suburbs

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | July 31, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | July 31, 2023 |


American Ninja Warrior on NBC at 8:00pm ET. We’re up to the first round of semifinals.

Run the Burbs on The CW at 8:30pm ET. Series premiere. This is a new sitcom about a South Asian family living in the suburbs. As is the theme of situational comedies, hijinks will ensue. It looks like this comes to us via the CBC so the Canadians can weigh in on the merits of this show. I guess we should also flag that the “burbs” here are specifically Canadian burbs.

Crime Scene Kitchen on Fox at 9:00pm ET.

Breeders on FX at 10:00pm ET. Fourth season premiere. This will be the final season of the show, which makes sense because I think the “kids” are basically adults now.

Miracle Workers on TBS at 10:00pm ET.