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CBS: Where Sitcoms Go to Live

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | May 22, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | May 22, 2023 |


The Neighborhood on CBS at 8:00pm ET. Fifth season finale. This has been renewed for a sixth season, so if you’re looking for sitcoms that stick around for a while CBS is apparently the place to watch them. Real monkey’s paw situation there.

NCIS on CBS at 9:00pm ET. 20th season finale.

White House Plumbers on HBO at 9:00pm ET.

20/20: Prisoners of the Snow on ABC at 9:01pm ET. Two-hour special presentation. This is a special revisiting the 1972 Uruguayan plane crash where a rugby team and other passengers were stranded in the Andes for 72 days. There are new interviews with five of the survivors. The podcast “You’re Wrong About” had an episode on this crash that was very careful and respectful in retelling the events. I assume this is airing now because of the Yellowjackets connection, but while it’s a clear inspiration for the central plane crash element of Yellowjackets the similarities stop there.

Happy Valley on BBCA at 10:00pm ET. Third season premiere.