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Can Loki Save the Universe? Or At Least His Own Show?

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 5, 2023 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 5, 2023 |


Our Flag Means Death on Max at 3:01am ET. Second season premiere. Apparently with everything else he has going on, Taika Watiti still has time to be on this show.

Battlebots: Champions on Discovery at 8:00pm ET. Ninth season premiere. I watched this for a while years ago, and watching the preview for this it looks like the most successful battlebots still look pretty much the same. Like Roombas with horizontally mounted buzzsaws and wedges to flip over opponents. Apparently people figured out the best way to make a robot that kills other robots a while ago and we’re just improving on a theme now.

Hell’s Kitchen on Fox at 8:00pm ET.

The Golden Bachelor on ABC at 8:00pm ET.

Loki on Disney+ at 9:01pm ET. Second season premiere.