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Wouldn't 'House Hunters: Dragons' be Great TV?

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 23, 2022 |

By Genevieve Burgess | TV | October 23, 2022 |


Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire on AMC+ at 3:01am ET.

Doctor Who on BBCA at 8:00pm ET. Special presentation.

House of the Dragon on HBO at 9:00pm ET. First season finale. Tonight we finally get the answer to the question, did the dragon ever get that house? Or rather we get to find out how they’re going to close out a season that has progressed like someone telling a story they don’t quite know where to start and are a bit fuzzy on some of the details but REALLY CLEAR on others.

The Walking Dead on AMC at 9:00pm ET.

Let the Right One In on Showtime at 10:00pm ET. For all the talk of “peak TV” I feel like sometimes it’s clear we’re still working out what the medium should be, and all the adaptations that take movies and make them TV shows are a symptom of that.